Loretta La Roche has helped millions find ways to lighten up and overcome stress in their lives giving people the tools they need to not only reduce stress, but to bring joy, passion and gusto into their lives. Her techniques are a brilliant blend of old-world common sense and the most contemporary research in brain chemistry, psychology and mind-body studies. With very specific exercises, her new book offers dozens of proven techniques for developing the nine most important traits needed to live an intense, happy, successful life: Resilience; Optimism; Connection; Mindfulness; Humor; Respect; Integrity; Creativity and Purpose
Her works include: How to Be a Wild, Wise, and Witty Woman (4-CD set), The Wise and Witty Stress Solution Kit, Life Is Short, Wear Your Party Pants and Squeeze the Day. Her upcoming releases include: Kick Up Your Heels. . . Before You’re Too Short to Wear Them (September 2007) and Relax—You May Only Have a Few Minutes Left (February 2008). In addition to many appearances on television and in print, her weekly column, “Get a Life,” is published every Monday in The Patriot Ledger’s Lifestyle section.
Visit: www.lorettalaroche.com